How attractive to you


 How attractive to you


Exclusive gym memberships, personal trainers, juice cleanses, detoxes and fit teas are presented to us as a solution to the “problem” of our weight and shape. Like it’ll magically make us skinny, toned and taller in a month. Hair dyes and hot tools are meant to help us fix the problem of our hair. Curl it if it’s pin straight, flat iron it if it’s curly, bleach it blonde or become a redhead to seem more attractive. Have you damaged your hair in the process? Here’s a whole range of expensive hair treatments and hair masks that will fix that problem too. Is your skin smooth, blemish free and glowing? It better be, so here’s some creams, gels, scrubs, serums and throw in a couple of facials for good measure. And god forbid you have any discoloration or unusual pigmentation. Hide that stuff with concealer, foundation, powder, contour, bronzer, highlight and a whole ton of eyeshadow and fake lashes. Oh, and freckles are in now, but since they’re buried under that full face of makeup just draw them on with eyeliner.

Once you’re done with your face it’s time to fix that massive problem of unwanted body hair. There’s a plethora of ways to do that too: shaving, waxing, threading, sugaring, laser, etc. And finally you need to go and buy the trendiest, most fashionable outfits and accessories and don’t forget to get your nails done too. 

And only after completing these many steps and spending a fortune you might have a chance to be considered “attractive”. Or at least that’s what the media wants us to think. But is that really necessary? Isn’t beauty in the eye of the beholder? Aren’t we all beautiful in our own unique way? The truth is feeling beautiful and attractive is all about confidence, no matter what you actually look like. You need proof? Here we go.


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