68.Legends of Jiayuguan Pass

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Legends of Jiayuguan Pass
Serving the ancient Silk Road that formed an artery of trade and cultural exchange between east and west, the Jiayuguan Pass was a solemn and splendid landmark of Great Wall in Gansu. Its construction cost a great deal in terms of manpower and material resources. The work gave rise to a number of strange and sometimes beautiful stories, legends that have come down to us over the centuries.

Here are four little stories about the Jiayuguan Pass.
The Wall Stabilizing Brick:
Story of One Brick about Jiayuguan Pass
Story of One Brick about Jiayuguan Pass
This is a legend about the Jiayuguan Pass, which tells of a workman named Yi Kaizhan who lived during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644) and who was a very proficient mathematician. He calculated that it would take exactly 99,999 bricks to build the pass. The supervisor did not believe him and said that if he had miscalculated by so much as just one brick, then all the workmen would be condemned to hard labor for three years as a punishment. After the completion of the project, one brick was left behind the Xiwong city gate. The supervisor was happy at the sight of the brick and prepared to carry out his threat of punishment. However Yi Kaizhan said with an authoritative air that the brick had been put there by a supernatural being to stabilize the wall and that even a tiny move would cause the whole structure to collapse. Therefore the brick remained in place and was never moved. It can still be found there today on the tower of the pass.
Conveying Stones on Iced Path:
Jiayuguan Pass - Gansu Great Wall
Jiayuguan Pass in Gansu
During the construction of the Jiayuguan Pass, huge blocks of stone, each measuring two meters (6.6 feet) in length and 0.5 meters (1.6 feet) in width and 0.3 meters (1.0 feet) thick were in great demand. Builders cut the crude stones in the mountain; however they were so heavy that there was no means to transport them over a long distance. Now the laws and regulations governing the construction stipulated that workers would be executed if they delayed the construction of the Great Wall; a fact that caused them great concern. It was near to the depths of winter, and not one block of stone was carried from the mountain. The workers sighed but no one had a solution to the  problem. Suddenly a loud clap of thunder burst on the mountaintop and a length of silk brocade fell from the sky. The workers rushed to pick it up it and saw some words on it.  Seeing the words, they realized what they should do. By the arrival of winter, the workers had built a path from the mountaintop to the Jiayuguan Pass. They poured water on this path, which quickly froze. They put the large blocks of stone on the icy path, sliding the stones along it. In this manner they got the stones to the work site on time. This clever ruse saved much time and the construction work was not delayed. To give thanks for the divine help, the workers built a temple near the pass. The temple then became the place where the succeeding workers went to pay respect to their heavenly protector.
Goats Carry the Bricks:Jiayuguan Pass is about nine meters high (30 feet). In addition, ten towers each with different shapes and abundant buttresses were built on the pass. At that time, conditions for the construction workers were very hard. Without lifting equipment, they had to carry all the bricks. Those used to build the pass were fired in a kiln 20 kilometers (12 miles) away. After firing the bricks, workers used oxcarts to carry them to the pass, and then had to pass them up onto the wall by manpower. The only path for transporting the bricks was a long slope, which was very difficult to go up and down. In spite of more workers being sent there, it was still a hard job. The construction schedule was severely affected. One day, a shepherd boy brought his goats to feed alongside the construction site. When he saw the plight of the workers, he suddenly had a bright idea. He took off his girdle, tied a brick on each end and put the girdle over the back of a goat. He patted the goat. The smart animal then trotted along the road, up the slope and onto the wall. The workers were pleasantly surprised by the sight and adopted the idea and so were able to quickly carry large numbers of bricks onto the Great Wall.
Twitter of the Swallow:
Jianyuguan Pass with colorful legends
Gate Tower of Jiayuguan
Once there was a pair of swallows nesting within the walls of the Rouyuan Gate on the Jiayuguan Pass. One morning, the swallows flew out of the Pass looking for food. In the evening, the female swallow returned and waited for her partner. However when the male swallow reached the gate, he found it was closed and he could not return to the nest. Letting out a sorrowful sound, he struck himself against the wall and died. Overwhelmed with sorrow by the death of her husband, the female swallow twittered and twittered and finally died of sadness. Although she was dead, her soul remained there. Whenever people knocked on the wall with a stone, the twitter of a swallow would be heard. In ancient China, people regarded this sound of the twitter as auspicious. When generals set off for battles, their wives would knock on the wall with a stone to pray for their safe return. Later it evolved into a kind of custom that generals and soldiers would take their families to the wall and knock upon the wall as a prayer before they went off to fight in battles.
Home / Great Wall / Culture / Meng Jiangnu's Bitter Weeping
Meng Jiangnu's Bitter Weeping
Stature of Mengjiangnu, who went to Great Wall construction site to find her husband
Statue of Mengjiangnu
Exhibits at Meng Jiangnu Temple
Exhibits at Meng Jiangnu Temple
This Great Wall story happened during the Qin Dynasty (221BC-206BC). There was once an old man named Meng who lived in the southern part of the country with his wife. One spring, Meng sowed a seed of bottle gourd in his yard. The bottle gourd grew up bit by bit and its vines climbed over the wall and entered his neighbor Jiang's yard. Like Meng, Jiang had no children and so he became very fond of the plant. He watered and took care of the plant. With tender care of both men, the plant grew bigger and bigger and gave a beautiful bottle gourd in autumn. Jiang plucked it off the vine, and the two old men decided to cut the gourd and divide it by half. To their surprise when they cut the gourd a pretty and lovely girl was lying inside! They felt happy to have a child and both loved her very much, so they decided to bring the child up together. They named the girl Meng Jiangnu, which means Meng and Jiang's daughter.
As time went by, the little girl grew up and became a beautiful young woman. She was very smart and industrious. She took care of old Meng and Jiang's families, washing the clothes and doing the house work. People knew that Meng Jiangnu was a good girl and liked her very much. One day while playing in the yard, she saw a young man hiding in the garden. She called out to her parents, and the young man came out.
At that time, Emperor Qin Shihuang (the first emperor of Qin) announced to build the Great Wall. So lots of men were caught by the federal officials. Fan Qiliang was an intellectual man and very afraid of being caught, so he went to Meng's house to hide from the officials. Meng and Jiang liked this good-looking, honest, and good-mannered young man. They decided to wed their daughter to him. The two young people accepted happily, and got married several days later. However, three days after their marriage, officials suddenly broke in and took Fan Qiliang away to build the Great Wall in the north of China.
It was a hard time for Meng Jiangnu after her husband was taken away - she missed her husband and cried nearly every day. She sewed warm clothes for her husband and decided to set off to look for him. Saying farewell to her parents, she packed her luggage and started her long journey. She climbed over mountains and went through the rivers. She walked day and night, slipping and falling many times, but finally she reached the foot of the Great Wall at the present Shanhaiguan Pass.
Upon her arrival, she was eager to ask about her husband. Bad news came to her, however, that Fan Qiliang had already died of exhaustion and was buried into the Great Wall! Meng Jiangnu could not help crying. She sat on the ground and cried and cried. Suddenly with a tremendous noise, a 400 kilometer-long (248-mile-long) section of the Great Wall collapsed over her bitter wail. The workmen and supervisors were astonished. Emperor Qin Shihuang happened to be touring the wall at that exact time, and he was enraged and ready to punish the woman.
However, at the first sight of Meng Jiangnu Emperor Qin Shihuang was attracted by her beauty. Instead of killing her, the Emperor asked her to marry him. Suppressing her feeling of anger, she agreed on the basis of three terms.
Statues of Meng Jiangnu and her husband Fan Qiliang
Meng Jiangnu and her husband Fan Qiliang
The first was to find the body of Fan Qiliang, the second was to hold a state funeral for him, and the last one was to have Emperor Qin Shihuang wear black mourning for Fan Qiliang and attend the funeral in person. Emperor Qin Shihuang thought for a while and reluctantly agreed. After all the terms were met, Emperor Qin Shihuang was ready to take her to his palace. When the guarders were not watching, she suddenly turned around and jumped into the nearby Bohai Sea.
This story tells of the hard work of Chinese commoners, as well as exposes the cruel system of hard labor during the reign of Emperor Qin Shihuang. The Ten-Thousand-Li Great Wall embodied the power and wisdom of the Chinese nation. In memory of Meng Jiangnu, later generations built a temple, called the Temple of Mengjiangnu, at the foot of the Great Wall in which a statue of her is located. Meng Jiangnu's story has been passed down from generation to generation.
Home / Great Wall / Culture / Shanhaiguan Pass Legend
Legend of Shanhaiguan Pass
Shanhaiguan Pass, Qinhuangdao, Hebei
Shanhaiguan, Qinhuangdao, Hebei
Shanhaiguan Pass of Great Wall was also called the First Pass under Heaven. It was a formidable military stronghold during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Have you ever wondered who built the pass? Here you may find the answer.
Six hundred years ago, during the Ming Dynasty Zhu Yuanzhang came to the throne. He issued a royal edict ordering his Marshal, Xu Da and his military counselor, Liu Bowen to find a suitable place for the construction of defense walls to the north of Beijing City. He decreed that the project should be completed within two years.
Accepting the Emperor's instructions Xu Da and Liu Bowen set off immediately for the country's northern boundary. Soon they reached their destination and on the day following their arrival, they climbed to a mountaintop looking for the best place to build the fortification. Although Xu Da was an accomplished soldier and military leader he was just a layman when it came to the construction of fortifications. Liu Bowen, the military counselor of the empire, was rich in knowledge about almost everything so, he was more capable in choosing an appropriate location for the fortifications. Xu Da praised the place. "A good battlefield, a good place for fortification!" Liu Bowen just kept silent, saying nothing. On the third day they returned to the same place and Liu remained silent once again. Nothing differed from the former day.
On the fourth day, they came to the mountain once again. This time, Xu Da could not hold his tongue. He asked Liu Bowen why he just kept silent without saying a word. Liu Bowen answered, "It is because of the countryside and you".
"Why because of me?" Xu Da felt confused.
Shanhaiguan Pass of Great Wall
Shanhaiguan in Hebei
Liu Bowen continued to say, "Look, there are mountains in the north and the Bohai Sea in the south of this place. If we were to build a fortification wall here, it will be easy to defend and hard to attack."
Realizing the wisdom of Liu Bowen, Xu Da asked what kind of wall Liu Bowen would build. Liu Said the wall should be a solid one. It should be bigger and higher than any other wall. And it would be built as a wall within a wall, with walls connecting them, with a tower facing a tower and a tower watching a tower. Liu raised his horsewhip and pointed to the distant spot and said, "It is also a good place in which to build a home as it has fertile soil and a mild climate. It is really a good place for living." Xu Da understood the meaning of "because of you". He liked Liu Bowen's idea very much. As soon as they got back to the barracks, they figured out a plan for the fortification and sent it to the emperor the next morning. With the plan approved by the emperor, they started the construction. Within one year and eight months, the pass was completed.
They returned to the court where in an audience, the emperor saw Xu Da and Liu Bowen. He asked, "Is the construction project finished?" they answered, "Yes, thank you your Imperial Highness," as they bowed before the throne. "Have you named the pass?" the Emperor asked. Now, Xu Da and Liu Bowen were struck dumb by these words. The royal edict just gave them an order to build the wall, not to name it as well. Xu Da wanted to say something to the emperor but was stopped by Liu Bowen. Liu Bowen stepped forward and answered, "We did not rush into action without your approval. The pass goes into the sea at the south end and relies on the mountain at the north end. It is really a pass of mountain and sea! Please name it as such." The emperor nodded to them and said, "Good idea! Just call it Shanhaiguan Pass (Mountain and Sea Pass)."
After their audience with the emperor, Liu Bowen and Xu Da went to Xu Da's house where Liu told Xu that he was preparing to leave. Xu asked where he was going.
Statue of Xu Da, Founder of Shanhaiguan Pass
Statue of Xu Da, 
Founder of Shanhaiguan
Liu Said, " I am actually a freeman so I am going to travel anywhere I please." Xu Da did not understand why he should say that and said, "We followed the emperor and fought for him. In addition, we built the Shanhaiguan Pass for him. We are the men that achieved much for the empire. We should enjoy our lives from now on but as you are such a hero, the emperor will never let you leave."
Liu shook his head and said, "It is not as you say. The Emperor did not order us to build the Great Wall within two years if he meant us to lead a happy life. Had we refused to obey the order, we were sure to die; if we accepted the order but didn't complete the work on time, we would have been charged with cheating him. If we completed the work on time and named the pass, we would have been charged with paying no attention to the emperor's explicit orders. By not naming the pass we could be regarded as being inept at the job. Our lives are in his hands whatever he decides. This is just a beginning."
"Counselor, you mean..."Xu Da fell into confusion.
"Have you noticed the many examples of what has happened between the Emperor and his vassals? Vassals can experience the adversities of the Emperor, but they cannot share the fruits of success with him The Emperor won't allow that", Liu Bowen said.
Hearing these words, Xu Da was struck dumb again. "What shall I do after your departure?" he said after a short pause.
"You stay by the Emperor's side. Never leave him, even if he wants to drive you away. Furthermore, you'd better send your son to the Shanhaiguan Pass of Great Wall, where he won't suffer in battle and can lead a comfortable life."
"Good idea! I will let my son to set off tomorrow." Xu Da agreed with Liu Bowen.
As they were talking about the matter, a man broke into the room. That was Hu Dahai, one of Xu Da's faithful friends. He had overheard the conversation, and on entering the room he said, "Marshal, I have followed you through fire and water and worked myself to the bone for you. Would you please send my son also to the Shanhaiguan Pass for safety?"
As they were talking, Chang Yuchun, another general entered the room. Realizing that all three men were the best of friends, friends as close as the legendary Damon and Pythias, Liu Bowen told them his thoughts. Chang Yuchun insisted that he also should send his son to the pass.
A short period later, Liu Bowen left the court without saying goodbye. In accordance with what Liu had said, Xu Da remained with the emperor never leaving his side and thus he saved his life. However, Hu Dahai and Chang Yuchun and other men of great merit and who played a vital role in the founding of the empire all died in a fire during a triumphal banquet.
As for their sons, they reached the Shanhaiguan Pass of the Great Wall in Hebei and settled there. Later their descendants built the Xu Da Temple at the pass, here too is the Hu Tomb (Hujiafen) at the northeast and the Chang Tomb (Changjiafen) at the southwest of the pass as well as stone statues of these people, horses and torii to their memory.
Home / Great Wall / Culture / Shanhaiguan Pass - Calligraphy on Tablet
Shanhaiguan Pass - Calligraphy on Tablet
First Pass under Heaven Tablet at Shanhaiguan Pass
First Pass under Heaven
- Calligraphy on Tablet at Shanhaiguan
Today, when you visit the Shanhaiguan Pass of Great Wall, you will see a tablet hanging on the east gate with five large Chinese characters, Tian Xia Di Yi Guan, on it. These mean the "First Pass under Heaven". The pass decorated with this tablet with these five characters looks both majestic and solemn. You may wonder, "Who wrote the characters?"
This is the work of Xiao Xian, one of the great calligraphers of the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644). Xiao Xian was both an upright and honest official. Now his straightforward behavior at court meant that other corrupt officials often hated him. So Xiao Xian resigned his position at court and returned to his hometown.
At that time, the emperor ordered the creation of a tablet for the east gate of the Shanhaiguan Pass as a display of his country's power. The chief official of the pass was worried because he knew that nobody could take on such a task other than Xiao Xian. Every one knew that he was a great calligrapher. So the chief official went to beg him to create the characters for the tablet. Moved by his sincere words, Xiao Xian agreed to do it.
However, Xiao Xian did not make an immediate start on the work for the proposed handwriting. Instead, he was seen doing physical exercises every day. He also carried water on the farm and hoed in the field. This activity and lack of progress with the work for the tablet made the chief official very anxious!
Shanhaiguan gate tower
Shanhaiguan Gate Tower
Some time later, it was said an imperial envoy was coming to inspect the tablet. The chief official rushed to Xiao Xian's house. He saw Xiao Xian was still doing physical exercises. He was so anxious that he asked Xiao Xian "When will you write the characters?" Xiao Xian said, "It is not an easy job to write such characters well. I have to practice for a period". That was what he did for several days, building his inner forces for the task. "Now it is the time to write!" he declared.
So saying, Xiao Xian took out his brush and paper and wrote down the Chinese characters, Tian Xia Di Yi Guan (the First Pass under Heaven). The chief official rushed to have the characters copied onto a tablet to hang on the east gate of the Shanhaiguan Pass.
When the tablet was in place, it was found that one stroke of one of the characters was missing. With great deliberation, Xiao Xian took out his handkerchief, screwed it up and dipped it into thick Chinese ink. He then threw it up at the hanging tablet. He hit it in the right place and thus completed the character, which made the whole inscription more harmonious and integrated. The popeyed chief official praised Xiao Xian saying that he had "a supernatural hand".
There is a moral to this Great Wall story. Xiao Xian grasped one of the crucial essentials of calligraphy. He did not practice handwriting every day, but by doing farm work involving carrying water, brandishing a shoulder pole to exercise his muscles and hoeing in the field every day, he concentrated his internal energy. The lesson is "Grasp the main point and enlarge your inner resources".
Home / Great Wall / Culture / Wife Tower Legend
Wife Tower Legend
The Wife Tower rises near Shanhai Pass. To discover how it got its unique name, we must return to the time when Qi Jiguang, a distinguished strategist and national hero, guarded Shanhai Pass during the Ming Dynasty (1368-1644).
Great Wall watchtower
Great Wall watchtower
At that time, a family of three members, old man Wang, his daughter Xuelan and a young man Wu Sanhu lived in Shandong Province. Wu Sanhu was an orphan adopted by Wang. The family made its living by performing in the street. Proficient in Chinese martial arts, Wang taught his skills to both Xuelan and Wu Sanhu who traveled with him all over the country.
As time went on, Xuelan and Wu Sanhu fell in love. Just before Mid-Autumn Day, a traditional Chinese festival of reunion held on August 15 of the lunar calendar, news came from the boundary that Qi Jiguang had given orders to recruit new members. Enthusiastic about making contributions to his country, Wu Sanhu decided to join the army. When he told Xuelan, she secretly informed Wang of what he had said.
Regarding Wu Sanhu as his son, Wang did not want him to join the army and thought that marriage would make him stay with the family. On Mid-autumn Day he made a delicious meal. At the table, he said to Wu Sanhu, "People should get married while they are young." Wang then told the two young people that they should marry at once. They accepted because they loved each other, and got married that same day.
Defying Wang's expectation, the next day Wu Sanhu again insisted on joining the army. Xuelan and Wang could do nothing but say good-bye to him.
Once in the army, Wu Sanhu showed his martial arts talents and was sent to guard the beacon tower of Dongjiakou. He did his duty zealously and patrolled day and night.
Xuelan and Wang missed Wu Sanhu very much. One day, Wang became deathly ill. He told Xuelan to take care of herself and to go to look for her husband. Saying this, Wang passed away. Xuelan choked back tears and buried her father. She then set out to look for Wu Sanhu.
After experiencing a long journey and many difficulties, she reached Dongjiakou and finally found Wu Sanhu.
It was night; the couple had much to share. While they were talking, enemies secretly entered Dongjiakou. Wu Sanhu discovered them and then to warn the army with a beacon fire, he rushed with kindling to the tower. Unfortunately, it was raining heavily. Struggling to set a fire in the beacon tower, Wu Sanhu was found by his enemies who killed him with arrows.
When Xuelan came to the beacon tower, the sight of her fallen husband stunned her. Suppressing her sorrow and anger, she took the kindling and ignited the fire using her dry underclothes. Seeing her flames, the army advanced rapidly to Dongjiakou to hem in the enemy.
One of the enemies slipped away, trying to escape. Suddenly he heard a sneer in front of him. In the dim light, he made out a young woman, spear in hand. That was Xuelan. The enemy was frightened, but on second thought believed a weak woman could not harm him. So he picked up his spear and thrust it at Xuelan. She stood calmly, and then lashed out with all her martial arts skills, defeating the enemy in minutes.
According to law, she deserved a prize for stopping the enemies' sneak attack. Xuelan refused. Instead, she begged Qi Jiguang to let her stay at the boundary to continue her husband's work.
From then on, Xuelan guarded the beacon tower day and night. In her honor, local people named it the "Wife Tower" of Great Wall.
Home / Great Wall / Culture / Yumenguan Pass Legend
Legend of Yumenguan Pass
In former times, Yumenguan Pass (Jade Gate Pass) of Great Wall in Gansu was called Small Square City. Why was its name changed? There is an interesting story  that answers this question.
Yumenguan Pass, Gansu Great Wall
Yumenguan in Gansu
In times long past, caravans passed through a post in the west of Small Square City in Gansu Province. Caravans had to pass here to transport jade and other precious goods. The terrain in this area is very complex and varied. There are swamps, valleys, forests and fields of wild grass growing everywhere. During the heat of summer, the caravans often chose to set off in the cool of the night to avoid the intense heat. Becoming lost in the dark and complex terrain was quite common. And even old horses familiar with the terrain lost their way. Hence, the post got the name, "Horse Losing the Way".
One day, a caravan lost its way shortly after entering the area. The members of the caravan were anxious to get out of the area safely. While discussing their problem, a wild goose fell to the ground and caught by a kind-hearted young man, who held it gently in his arms. He decided to keep the goose with him until they got out of this strange place.
A short while later, the young man was surprised to see tears running down the face of the goose and heard it say, "Honk, honk, give me food, honk, honk, take you out". Hearing this, the young man understood that the goose fell behind its group because of hunger. So he fetched food and water and fed the goose. Having eaten enough food, the goose flew up to the sky and circled around over the caravan. The goose led the caravan safely to their destination, Small Square City.
Some time later, the caravan lost their way again at the same place. The goose flew to them and said, "Honk, honk, get lost; honk, honk, lead you out if you inlay jade on the Pass". As the goose said this, it flew over the caravan and led the caravan out of the strange area. Only the young man who had previously rescued the goose understood what the goose said. He told the leader that the goose asked them to inlay a luminous black green jade on the top of Small Square City. The rays of the jade would be able to guide caravans and no one will get lost in the dark any more. Hearing these words, the boss thought it over and then he refused to give up his valuable jade.
Unfortunately, this very same caravan got lost once again! They could not find water and were dying of thirst. Just at their bleakest moment, the goose flew to them and cried, "You are lost, inlay the jade or never get out". The young man repeated the goose's words to the caravan leader. His boss was afraid and did not know what to do. He asked the young man for help. The young man told him to kneel down and promise the goose that he would inlay the jade. The boss heeded the young man and the caravan was led out of the desolate lands to safety.
The caravan which had now been rescued three times by the goose reached the Small Square City safely. The caravan leader was no longer greedily holding on to the jade. He chose the best and largest luminous black green jade to inlay on the top of the pass. Whenever the curtain of the night fell, the brilliant rays that the jade sent out could be clearly seen from even a far distance. With this guide, caravans passing this post never got lost. From then on, the Small Square City was changed into Yumenguan Pass of Great Wall.


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